2025 World Archery Youth Championships

Organization Details
Organization Name: WAYC25 Winnipeg Inc.
Address: 410-145 Pacific Ave.
Winnipeg MB  R3B 2Z6
Website: http://archerymanitoba.ca
Organizational Description: Non-profit organizing the 2025 World Archery Youth Championships, Aug. 16-25.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 5674
Description of Duties:

The 2025 World Archery Youth Championships, Aug. 16-25, 2025 in Winnipeg, seeks volunteers for a variety of roles, from airport and hotel greeters to helping with targets and controlling access to the field of play. Learn more about this exciting individual sport and help welcome almost 600 athletes from 60 countries to our city. Recruitment is underway!

Skills Required:

A variety of roles require the ability to lift 50 pounds, but many roles involve greeting athletes, spectators and VIPs, using hand-held scanning devices to scan credentials and permit access to the bow storage area for athletes. Merchandise sales require the ability to make change. Above all, the ability to be a friendly, compassionate face for athletes ranging in age from 14-21 and our spectators and VIPs. Some roles will require criminal record checks with vulnerable sector screening, which we will provide.

Skills Gained/Related Careers:
Age: 13-15, 16-17, 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:
Flexible Hours

The event runs officially from Aug. 18 to 24 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., with volunteers asked to select 4- or 8-hour shifts. Lunch will be provided, and volunteers will be invited to an appreciation gala dinner following the event.

Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
- Downtown
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? Yes
Will cost be reimbursed? Yes
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? Yes
Will cost be reimbursed? Yes
Opportunity is available to candidates that: Group - small, family and friends
Group - large, corporate and schools
Fulfilling volunteer hours for school credit
Are able to attend with a support person
Uses a mobility device
French speaking / Bilingual (French and English)
Speaks another language (other than French or English): From among 60 countries attending
Organization will provide: A letter of reference
Volunteer gala dinner
How to Apply:
Closing Date: Aug 1, 2025