Urban Retreats Garden Tour Tea Coordinator

Organization Details
Organization Name: 1JustCity at the Pimicikamak Wellness Centre
Address: 621 Balmoral St
Winnipeg MB  R3B 2R4
Website: http://www.1justcity.ca
Organizational Description: 1JustCity is an organization that supports three drop-in community centres in Winnipeg's core neighbourhoods: West Broadway, Osborne Village, and Central. Our services include daily meals, art, senior's programs, sharing circles, haircuts, showers, laundry, toiletries, and clean undergarments. In the winter months we also run the pop up warming centre in Osborne Village: Just a Warm Sleep.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 5607
Description of Duties:

The self guided garden tour, which includes a tea, craft and plant sale, welcomed over 600 visitors and raised $30,600 in 2024, our 25th anniversary year. Volunteers organize and facilitate the tour and funds raised support the vital work of 1JustCity. The 2025 tour will take place in the St. James area on June 21, 2025.

January-Visit the venue with the Craft Sale Coordinator to assess the kitchen and serving space. The Craft Sale Coordinator will create a preliminary floor plan. The tea menu is tea, coffee, lemonade, bannock and jam. Plan on serving
450 guests which includes 100 volunteers unless otherwise indicated.
January - Confirm 1JustCity sites will make the bannock and jam. If not find another source.
April - Determine shift schedule and number of volunteers required (kitchen supervisors, servers, table bussers, dishwashers) and submit to the Volunteer Coordinator. Clarify the role of 1JustCity staff at the tea.
April/May- Invite the City Councillor and MLA for the tour area to attend the event and speak briefly. Consult with Volunteer Coordinator as needed.
June - Shop for required supplies. Set up at venue the day before and oversee on event day. Submit receipts for reimbursement. Prepare a report for the debriefing meeting with recommendations for changes.

Skills Required:

Ability to work independently and with a team.

Skills Gained/Related Careers:

Contribute to services for some of the most vulnerable people in the city, experience camaraderie working with dedicated team of volunteers, and hone organizational skills.

Age: 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:
Flexible Hours

Approximately 30 hours spread throughout the year. Most work can be done on your own schedule, evenings and weekends. Attend six (mostly 'zoom') Garden Tour Committee planning meetings and report on progress. Must be available for set up on Friday and all day Saturday for tour day.

Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? No
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? No
Opportunity is available to candidates that: General Populace
Organization will provide: Training/Orientation
How to Apply: Email: pwcsitelead@1justcity.ca
Phone: 204-779-8957
Closing Date: Jun 1, 2025


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