Le Grand Rassemblement

Organization Details
Organization Name: Conseil jeunesse provincial
Address: 340 Provencher Blv
Winnipeg MB  R2H 0G7
Website: https://cjpmb.ca/
Organizational Description: The Conseil jeunesse provincial ("Provincial Youth Council") is a non-profit organization devoted to the French-speaking youth across the province of Manitoba. The organization produces a number of activities (in French) every year for youth between the ages of 14 and 25. Our goal is to provide a chance for all French-speaking youth to live and develop their Francophone culture through a large variety of opportunities, right here in Manitoba.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 5417
Description of Duties:

Nous sommes à la recherche de bénévoles pour aider avec le montage de tente et de jeux, servir le diner, gérer des jeux de foire et le démontage a la fin de la journée.

Ce projet est le plus grand rassemblement de jeunes d'expression française au Manitoba et parmi les plus grands dans l'Ouest canadien. L'événement donne l'occasion aux jeunes du secondaire de vivre leur francophonie à l'extérieur du contexte scolaire et de créer des liens avec d'autres jeunes partageant leur intérêt pour le français et leur fierté d'être des jeunes d'expression française au Manitoba.


We are looking for volunteers to help with setting up tents and games, serving lunch, managing fair games and dismantling at the end of the day.

This project is the largest gathering of French-speaking young people in Manitoba and among the largest in Western Canada. The event gives high school young people the opportunity to experience their Francophonie outside of the school context and to create links with other young people who share their interest in French and their pride in being French-speaking young people in Manitoba.

Skills Required:

Doivent pouvoir communiquer en français. Le niveau du français n'est pas important.

Must be able to communicate in French. The level of French is not important.

Skills Gained/Related Careers:
Age: 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:

le 3 octobre 2024 de 8h à 18h.

Shift de 8 à 13h ou de 13h à 18h

October 3, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Shift from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. or from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? Yes
Will cost be reimbursed? Yes
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? Yes
Will cost be reimbursed? Yes
Opportunity is available to candidates that: Group - small, family and friends
Group - large, corporate and schools
French speaking / Bilingual (French and English)
Organization will provide: A letter of reference
How to Apply: Email: projets@cjpmb.ca
Closing Date: Sep 15, 2024


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