Impact Speaker

Organization Details
Organization Name: HealthPartners Canada
Address: 1051 - 150 Elgin Street
Ottawa ON  K1P 2R5
Organizational Description: We are a coalition of 17 national health charities. We raise funds in workplaces on behalf of those health charities. Our charities are located in every province and territory and all work in four impact areas: education, programs, advocacy and funding research.

We work with volunteers with lived experience that share their stories with employees in workplaces. In Manitoba, we are involved in federal government workplaces located in Winnipeg and other communities in the province.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 5351
Description of Duties:

Attend (virtually or in person) various workplace charitable campaign events, generally from September to December, but often at various times throughout the year.

Convey in their own words how the support of Canadian Health Charities has created hope and has impacted their life.

Express how they have benefited directly from community programs, services, education, or by advancements in medical research.

Effectively answer questions about their health journey and passion to improve the health of people living in Canada.

Skills Required:

Friendly, outgoing with excellent communication skills.

Comfortable with public speaking to both small and large groups, both in person or through virtual platforms.

Able to respond effectively and appropriately to questions.

Professional in manner and appearance.

Reliable and punctual.

Bilingual (English and French) is an asset.

Skills Gained/Related Careers:
Age: 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:
Micro Volunteering
Micro Volunteering - any self contained volunteer opportunity that can be completed in a short amount of time, often through a web-enabled device.
Flexible Hours
Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? No
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? No
Opportunity is available to candidates that: General Populace
Organization will provide: A letter of reference
Bus tickets
Certificate of recognition
How to Apply: Email:
Phone: 613-562-1469
Closing Date: Jul 6, 2024


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Apply for this volunteer opportunity 
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