Board Member

Organization Details
Organization Name: Youville Centre
Address: 33 Marion Street
Winnipeg MB  R2H 0S8
Organizational Description: Youville operates in two sites with their own distinctive programs and characteristics. Both focus on supporting individuals' and families' holistic health in a compassionate and caring environment.

YOUVILLE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE (CHC), located at 6-845 Dakota St. provides a continuum of health services & supports to the St. Vital community. CHC is a place where clients are listened to and work on their health concerns with a knowledgeable team of health professionals, including nurses, dietitians, counselors, and a doctor.

YOUVILLE DIABETES CENTRE (YDC), located at 33 Marion St. provides diabetes education & resources to all of Winnipeg. YDC provides diabetes education and management for individuals with T1 diabetes, T2 diabetes on prescribed medication or insulin, pregnant with T1 or 2 or with Gestational diabetes. YDC is the only diabetes self-management education centre in Winnipeg.
Volunteer Opportunity Details
Volunteer Opportunity ID: 4774
Description of Duties:

The Board has the responsibility to:

- Oversee all responsibilities delegated to the Board Chair and Executive Director (ED) and approved Board Committees as reflected in the Committees' Terms of Reference;
- Oversee the financial strength of Youville Centre and ensure the integrity of financial and operational reporting;
- Strive to uphold a culture of compassion and hope in the spirit of its founders, the Grey Nuns. We acknowledge their mistakes, their actions and/or their lack of action which caused many harms to the Indigenous people of Canada as we strive to move forward in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
- Ensure all Youville Centre policies and processes support and are aligned to the strategic direction and objectives, and the mission, vision, and values
- Board meets: once every two months (no meetings in July &
August); other committees: every other month
Total time commitment per month: 4 to 8 hours

Skills Required:

- We are striving to build a culturally diverse, inclusive and pluralistic Board
- Board experience not required.
- Youville is committed to increase its responsiveness to the experiential voices of Indigenous peoples, we therefore encourage their applications.
- We encourage former clients of Youville, members of equity groups to apply.
- Background or expertise in finance, governance, marketing, or technology would be an asset.

Skills Gained/Related Careers:

- Enhance team leadership skills
- Develop budgeting skills by being responsible for the organization's financial health
- Expand your network work connections
- Gain exposure, insight and expand your thinking
- Boost your communication skills
- Advance governance and human resource skills
- Make a difference in the community
- Improve your decision-making skills and learn how to ask the hard questions.
- Grow an understanding for your strongest skills

Age: 18-30, 31-54, 55+
Time Commitment:

4 to 8 hours per month

Location of volunteer opportunity: Winnipeg
Does opportunity require a criminal record check? No
Does opportunity require a child abuse registry check? No
Opportunity is available to candidates that: General Populace
Organization will provide: Training/Orientation
How to Apply:
Closing Date: Apr 15, 2025


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