Building a Volunteer Manual / Handbook

April 16, 2025
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Do you have a volunteer manual or handbook you're proud of? When's the last time it was reviewed or updated? Bring your volunteer handbook/manual and/or your computer for this hands-on in-person workshop to build (and rebuild) this foundational volunteer engagement tool. We'll go section-by-section through activities and discussion to highlight what your volunteer manual needs. Come ready to take notes, makes changes, learn from your peers and leave with a wealth of ideas to make your volunteer handbook better than ever!

Learning Objectives:

  • A section-by-section rundown of vital volunteer handbook components
  • Suggestions, tips, must-haves and "skippables" for your handbook/manual
  • Tools for ensuring a manual that will be read and understood by volunteers

Who should attend?

This workshop is recommended for volunteer managers, leadership volunteers, and other staff involved with volunteer engagement within their organization or group.


As Manager of Learning, Sammy Feilchenfeld, CVA designs and oversees Volunteer Toronto's responsive and accessible learning experiences for non-profit engagement professionals, grassroots leaders and volunteer seekers. With a strong focus on diverse educational interventions that support the changing needs in volunteerism, Sammy also develops training for aspiring and established non-profit Board Members. Sammy has been a volunteer for more than 20 years, a volunteer manager for more than 15 years, and an adult educator for more than 10 years. He uses all of these experiences to help his training sessions come to life.

Technical Requirements to Participate Virtually:

To participate, you will need a computer/mobile device with internet connection, speakers and microphone. A webcam is preferred but optional.


Volunteer Manitoba strives to host inclusive, accessible workshops that enable all individuals to engage fully. If you require any accommodations to participate in our training, please indicate so on the registration form.






Sammy Feilchenfeld

Web registration

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